
Thursday, March 21, 2013

How to choose Eye Glasses

Your eyeglasses are an integral part of your style, especially if you have a permanent prescription that must be worn constantly. The wrong pair can make your face look dis appropriate or washed out, but the right pair can make you look fashionable and well put together.

Consider your face shapes, personality, color , general considerations and budget in choosing glasses.

Look for oval or round frames if you have a square , angular face.

Consider frames that are square, rectangular, or geometric  since these add sharp angles to the soft curves of your face.

Look for tall frames if you have a narrow or oblong face.

Try angular frames that sharpen your features if you have a round face.

Shop for oval frames that maintain the balance of your face if you have a diamond shape face.

Balance out a heart shaped face with bottom-heavy frames that create the appearance of width on your lower face.

Look for semi-rimless frames and top heavy styles if you have a triangle shaped face.

Create a professional, business-oriented look by selecting conservative shapes like ovals and rectangles.

Add to the professional look by sticking with a traditional color.

Show off your creativity or youthful style with a funky design and visual-detail.

Consider a less traditional color, like blue or green, for a fresh , youthful appearance.

Use your eyeglasses to show that you are young at heart , if not in a age, by selecting frames shapes that subtly uplift the face.

Examine your skin tone.

Consider your eye color.

Look at your hair color.

Average you three tones together to determine your overall coloring.

Search for the frame colors that coordinate well with your natural coloring.

Get an eye exam

Shop at inexpensive stores that either specialize in eyeglasses or that have an eyeglasses section if you need emergency lenses because an old pair broke or got lost.

Consider going to an optometrist or boutique if investing a quality pair.

If you have a weak prescription but still want glasses, try shopping online for them.

Only buy what you need.

Shy away from brand names if your budget is low and you don't need to get the latest styles.

Look for coupons.

Check with your medical insurance.

Source: wikihow

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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Nourish your eyes with this Vitamins

Let nourish your eyes with vitamins that will play an important role in the health of your eyes. Learn about your eye benefits , food sources and Recommended Dietary Allowance(RDA) of important vitamins , minerals and micronutrients for eye health and good vision.
How to Choose Vision Supplements
Learn which vitamins are important to eye health and what to look for when choosing vision supplements.
Can Good Nutrition Prevent Cataracts?
New research suggests antioxidants and good nutrition may help prevent cataracts.
Flaxseed Oil and Fish Oil for Dry Eyes
Both flaxseed oil and fish oil may help relieve dry eyes and reduce the risk of other eye problems. So which one is better for you?

How Diet and Nutrition Protect Aging Eyes
Learn which foods and vitamin supplements are the best for maintaining eye health in older people.

Lutein and Zeaxanthin
Lutein and zeaxanthin are antioxidants found in many vegetables. Read about their effect on the eyes, with information on the best sources (and possible side effects of consuming too much).

Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids: Eye Benefits
Omega-3 fatty acids are important for keeping your eyes and your heart healthy. Learn the eye benefits of omega-3 fatty acids and the best omega-3 foods to include in your diet.

Vitamin A and Beta Carotene: Eye Benefits
Can a vitamin A deficiency cause blindness? Get the facts about vitamin A and beta carotene, including eye benefits, food sources, toxicity and vitamin A eye drops.
Vitamin C and Bioflavonoids: Powerful Eye Antioxidants
Learn how vitamin C and flavonoids may reduce your risk of cataracts, macular degeneration and dry eyes, and which common fruits and vegetables are good sources of these eye antioxidants.
Vitamin E and Zinc: Eye Benefits
Like vitamins A and C, vitamin E may reduce your risk of cataracts and macular degeneration. Zinc helps your body absorb antioxidant vitamins and may have its own protective effects.

Source: allaboutvision
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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

5 Basic Steps to Keep Your Eyes Healthy

Here are some top tips to keep your eyes healthy.
VitaminA,C and E are all excellent for your eyes, as are fatty acids and foods rich in antioxidants such as oily fist , nuts and green leaf vegetables.
If working for long period in front of the monitor, try and take a break every 20 minutes to half an hour or so to give your eyes a rest.
As well as being good for your skin it can also improve the moisture balance in your eyes especially in air conditioned offices.
Sunglasses help keep your eyes healthy by protecting them from UV rays this is as important in winter as it is summer.
Have your eyes checked out as recommended by your optometrist(usuallyevery two years). Optometrists can diagnose not just problems with sight but major health issues too such as high cholesterol, liverdamage and many others.
Source: opticalexpress
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Eye Relaxation Technique

Eyestrain is a common complaint these days. No wonder , many of us look at the computer all day long. But it's not only computers that cause eyestrain. Any repetitive prolonged use of eyes, such as reading, driving and doing crafts may lead to eyestrain.
Your eyes get tired from the intense work that they do for you. Many of us asking what can you do to relax your eyes.
In the early part of this century, an opthalmologist, William Bates, developed a system of relaxing the eyes and improving vision.
In order to relax your eyes. Bates had his patients visualized anything they loved – peaceful scenes from nature , clouds drifting across the sky or winning card hands.
To achieve deeper eye relaxation. Bates devised a technique that involved swinging an imagined black dot.
This technique is called “Shutting the O” and has been found to relieve pain , increase blood flow circulation to the eye and clearing the eye of debris.
  1. Close your eyes and visualize a big black round O.
  2. On the left side of the curve , put a black dot, on the right curve put another black dot.
  3. Point your nose from one dot to another , from side to side until the “O” seems to shuttle out of the way as you go from the dot to another.
Naturalvision is a right brain activity and is based on relaxation. So many people experience vision problems in our society as a result of too much stress and tension. Our vision problems reflect our imbalanced living. We are predominantly a left brain society with a little regard for right brain activity.
Source: stressrelieftools
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Monday, March 18, 2013

Eye Health Tips

Eyes are an important part of your health. There are many things you can do to keep them healthy and make sure you are seeing your best.
Visiting your eye care professional for a comprehensive dilated eye exam is the only way to really be sure that your eyes are fine and healthy. More eye diseases ofted have no warning signs like diabetic eye disease , glaucoma or age-related macular degeneration.
talk to your family member about their eye health history.It's important to know if anyone has been diagnosed with a disease or condition since many are hereditary it can help you to determine if you are at higher risk for developing an eye disease or condition.
Eating a dark leafy greens like spinach , carrots or fish that rich in omega-3 fatty acids like tuna are important for keeping your eyes healthy.
being overweight or obese increase your risk of developing diabetes and other systemic conditions which can lead to vision loss such as diabetic eye disease or glucoma.
Wear a protective eyewear when playing sports or doing activities aroud the home to protect your eyes to be damage.
Smoking is bad for your eyes as it is for the rest of your body and it can increaase risk of developing age-related macular degeneration , cataract and optic nerve damage all of which can lead to blindliness.
Sunglasses are a great fashion accessories and the most important job of eyeglasses is to protect your eyes from the sun's ultraviolet rays.
If you spend a lot of time at the computer or focusing on any one thing , you sometimes forget to blink and your eyes can get fatigued. Try the 20-20-20 rule. Every 20 minutes , look away about 20 feet in front of you to 20 secongs. This can help reduce eyestrain.
To avoid the the risk of eye infection , always wash your hands thoroughly before putting in of taking out your contact lenses. Make sure to disinfect contact lanses as instructed and replace them as appropriate.
Employers are required to provide a safe work environment. When protective eyewear is required as a part of your job, make a habit of wearing the appropriate type at all times and encourage your coworkers to do the same.
Source: nei
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Sunday, March 17, 2013

Tips and Advice to help you make your decision on Optometry Software

Comparing optometry software options can be overwhelming, but if you narrow your options by looking for software that handles only the tasks with which you need help, you'll save yourself a lot of time and effort. Make a list of these tasks, break it into software needs and wants and start your search for comprehensive software packages that handle all the tasks within your eye care business.
Keep your optometry practice running smoothly with the most completesoftware package you can afford. While fully integrated software systems are the ideal choice for helping your office run smoothly, they aren't always affordable for the small optometry business owner. Find individual packages that will work for you instead. When considering optometry software, you should:
1. Integrate your optometry software package to keep all your tasks under one system.
2. Find task-specific software to keep your optometry business running smoothly.
3. Provide staff and clients with easy access records, schedules and more with web-based optometry software information.

Buy optometry software to combine all your office's tasks into one system

Get accounting solutions, make scheduling easy, keep records with accuracy and gain easy access for fast assessment views. Use your optometry software list to begin your search for an all-inclusive package. Find a package that includes scheduling, patient tracking, accounting, billing and employee record keeping as well as prescription access and automatic reminder programs.

Find optometry software to organize specific tasks within your practice

Look to task-specific programs to help you keep your optometry business running smoothly. Whether you need better accounting software, or would like a simplified scheduling program that keeps patients on track with your daily schedule, you can find specific software for your needs.

Get software from an optometry software provider that offers web-based options

Utilize web-based software for the quickest and easiest way to stay informed. Find software that gives your staff instant access to patient records, or implement a web-based system to keep schedules and records available anytime.

Find optometry software that comes with on-site support. Some companies will even install software and train employees in its use as part of the package. Even if the software costs more, you end up saving time and money by not having to schedule and pay for additional employee training.
Source: business
Are you an Optometrist??? Need a software? Visit  VisualEyes
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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Optometry Software in Visual-Eyes

Visual-eyes is the premiere practice management software solution for the Eye Care Industry. Ease of use, stability of data, and thorough office integration have been our guiding principles from day one. This program was created from the ground up to promote efficiency in all areas of the optometric clinic.
Visual-eyes is made available with different modules. This gives you the freedom to use the features that you want, without paying for extra features that you do not need.  Adding more users, more modules and even linking to a satellite office can be done at any time with complete flexibility.  All modules expand upon the base module.  Other modules include: invoicing, scheduler, dispensing, contact lenses, examination (electronic medical records or EMR), file linking, and task messaging.

What visual-eyes offers you
  • Complete customization to your practice
  • Rock solid data management with minimal downtime
  • User friendly data entry in a Windows 2000/XP/7 environment
  • Drop down options that reduce errors and make data entry fast and easy
  • Easy navigation through our exclusive menu bar and keyboard shortcuts
  • Quick access to previous information from every screen
  • Full data conversion is available
Visual-eyes is perfectly suited to all optometry practices, small or large. Our clients' clinics range in size from one computer to over 100 workstations.
Join us as we take you on a tour of The Eye Studio and show you how visual-eyes works for hundreds of optometrists across Canada.

About Visual-Eyes

Visual-eyes is the premiere practice management software solution for the Eye Care Industry. Ease of use, stability of data, and thorough office integration have been our guiding principles from day one. This program was created from the ground up to promote efficiency in all areas of the optometric clinic.