
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Nourish your eyes with this Vitamins

Let nourish your eyes with vitamins that will play an important role in the health of your eyes. Learn about your eye benefits , food sources and Recommended Dietary Allowance(RDA) of important vitamins , minerals and micronutrients for eye health and good vision.
How to Choose Vision Supplements
Learn which vitamins are important to eye health and what to look for when choosing vision supplements.
Can Good Nutrition Prevent Cataracts?
New research suggests antioxidants and good nutrition may help prevent cataracts.
Flaxseed Oil and Fish Oil for Dry Eyes
Both flaxseed oil and fish oil may help relieve dry eyes and reduce the risk of other eye problems. So which one is better for you?

How Diet and Nutrition Protect Aging Eyes
Learn which foods and vitamin supplements are the best for maintaining eye health in older people.

Lutein and Zeaxanthin
Lutein and zeaxanthin are antioxidants found in many vegetables. Read about their effect on the eyes, with information on the best sources (and possible side effects of consuming too much).

Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids: Eye Benefits
Omega-3 fatty acids are important for keeping your eyes and your heart healthy. Learn the eye benefits of omega-3 fatty acids and the best omega-3 foods to include in your diet.

Vitamin A and Beta Carotene: Eye Benefits
Can a vitamin A deficiency cause blindness? Get the facts about vitamin A and beta carotene, including eye benefits, food sources, toxicity and vitamin A eye drops.
Vitamin C and Bioflavonoids: Powerful Eye Antioxidants
Learn how vitamin C and flavonoids may reduce your risk of cataracts, macular degeneration and dry eyes, and which common fruits and vegetables are good sources of these eye antioxidants.
Vitamin E and Zinc: Eye Benefits
Like vitamins A and C, vitamin E may reduce your risk of cataracts and macular degeneration. Zinc helps your body absorb antioxidant vitamins and may have its own protective effects.

Source: allaboutvision
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Visual-eyes is the premiere practice management software solution for the Eye Care Industry. Ease of use, stability of data, and thorough office integration have been our guiding principles from day one. This program was created from the ground up to promote efficiency in all areas of the optometric clinic.